Scrollchest Blog
Putting Flesh on the Bible’s Barebones
Welcome and thank you for dropping by. This blog/vlog plunges deep into the Bible for inspiration for writing and our lives.

Story World Experiment: Putting Flesh On The Barebones Of ‘Ruth’
An example of story world creation: the Book of Ruth
Writing About Mary: Finding My Genre
Finding my genre to write about Mary of Nazareth and why it is important.
Bible Storying: Hannah At The Harvest
My story of anorexic biblical Hannah who craves a baby, and her ardent prayer at Sukkot (Tabernacles) that remembers our fragility and total dependence on God.
In Conversation with Author Naomi Craig
Naomi Craig talks about her new biblical fiction book ‘Ezekiel’s Song’ and about book marketing for independent authors.
Welcome to Mostly About Midrash
Modern Midrash (flesh on the Bible’s bare bones) explained and devoured – a Jewish slant to the Christian faith.
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