Scrollchest Blog
Putting Flesh on the Bible’s Barebones
Welcome and thank you for dropping by. This blog/vlog plunges deep into the Bible for inspiration for writing and our lives.

When Jerusalem’s Streets Flowed with Blood
Why do Jews mark the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple, twice, on Tisha b’Av? They are remembering all the sorrowful events of Jewish history, too.
How to “Spill” with Spiritual Director Jackie Trottmann
Bobbie interviews Jackie Trottmann about what a Spiritual Director is and does ahead of her free workshop “Know Yourself in God” on Thursday, July 13th, 2023.
The Amazing Shapes of God
God spoke in strange ways to Bible characters, to guide, share plans, call, comfort. And He does this with us, today.
The Jerusalem Where Mary Wandered and Wept
As I write about Mary of Nazareth, I am having to consider her Bethlehem, her Nazareth, her Jerusalem and anywhere else her account of her finding purpose after mothering Jesus takes me.
Transporting ourselves back in time, walk with me the streets of Jerusalem in Mary’s day.
What Does Shavuot Mean to Jews and Christians?
Jewish Shavuot, meaning ‘Weeks’, coincides with Pentecost. How are the two connected?
Shavuot occurs at the end of the seven-week period that begins with Pesach (Passover.) During Jesus’ time, the newly harvested wheat was brought as an offering to the Temple in Jerusalem.
The name Pentecost comes from the 50 days elapsed since Jesus’ execution as the Passover came in. Why did the Holy Spirit descend on his…
Why Enter Writing Competitions? An Interview with Writer Sophie Neville
Writer Sophie Neville’s PR strategy is entering writing competitions. She has won the Eyelands Unpublished Novel Prize 2022 and is off to Athens to pick it up.
What Genre Do You Love?
What genre are you writing in when you take the Bible as inspiration? Exploring Biblical midrash, fiction and creative non-fiction.
Mary at the Cross
So much hatred for a man who had shown them only love.
Peter’s Unexpected Destiny – Feeding Sheep
Peter’s journey from simple fisherman to his unexpected destiny as leading disciple and confident feeder of Jesus’ sheep.
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