“He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, in the shadow of his hand he hid me; he made me into a polished arrow and concealed me in his quiver.”
Isaiah 49:2
It was this verse that inspired Jenny Sanders to write her soon-to-be-published book, Polished Arrows.

The book uses the metaphor of hand crafting arrows to illustrate how we can develop what Jenny calls ‘spiritual muscle’ to equip us to become useful servants of God.
God is our ‘arrow maker’. The blacksmith and fletcher are also involved in the process, perhaps standing for the two other persons of the Trinity, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Polished Arrows is a journey of discipleship, serving as much as a reminder of who we are in God, as discovery for the new believer. “The Word is always applicable to us,” Jenny says. “Just because we are following Jesus doesn’t mean we have what I call a ‘fluffy bunny’ life.”
This book is a sequel to her previous work, Spiritual Feasting. Both deal with accepting there will be trials in life. But Jesus tells us not to worry, “for I have overcome the world,” (John 16:33).
The takeaway of this book blends the above verse from Isaiah with
“You stripped the sheath from your bow, calling for many arrows,”
Habakkuk 3:9:
This conveys a sense of God being on the lookout for ‘arrows’ to serve Him at this particular moment in time, right now.

The book is Jenny’s rallying call, encouraging us to respond to whatever God has for us: “Let’s be all out. Let’s be radical.”
And let’s not give up. Jenny regards trials as being part of God’s shaping of us to be His arrows.
Polished Arrows is published by Instant Apostle, the imprint that published Bobbie’s Being Lena Levi
There will be two online launch events:
- Zoom: Wednesday, June 12th
- Facebook Live on Jenny’s writer page: Thursday, June 13th
Speaking engagements and a blog tour will precede the launch.
Jenny Sanders is offering readers the opportunity to sponsor a copy of Polished Arrows as an outreach tool for a mission trip she and her pastor husband will be making to Zimbabwe, later this year. The currency there has gone haywire and day-to-day living has become increasingly tough in recent times. Jenny will distribute her books there to give her readers a boost.
You can connect with Jenny Sanders here: https://www.facebook.com/dancingthroughchaos or jennysanderswriter.co.uk. She also has a page on her publisher Instant Apostle’s website.
Next time on Scrollchest.com: A Deep Dive into Ruth for Shavuot (Jewish Festival of Weeks)

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